What Is Mailchimp? Best Practices For Mailchimp Email Marketing

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In the modern world, everything is going digital. One of the many things that has gone digital too is marketing. Email marketing is a type of digital marketing. You can use Mailchimp to do email marketing. In this article, we will discuss Mailchimp best practices to boost your business.

As we have discussed before what is marketing and digital marketing in 7 Reasons Why Digital Marketing is a Great Career Choice, so we will directly know what is email marketing.

What Is Email Marketing?

In email marketing, we use email as a medium to create awareness and generate interest in the customers to perform specific tasks such as the purchase of a new product or service. In email marketing, we send emails to our customer base and inform them of a new product, service or update.

Types Of Email In Email Marketing

As a business, we send different types of emails to our audience. Some types are given below.

Welcome Emails

These emails are sent to new customers. In welcome emails, you give an overview of your business, products and services.

Newsletter Emails

In newsletter emails, we tell the audiences about new products, services, tips or updates.

Lead Nurturing Emails

These types of emails are sent to potential customers to convert leads to customers.

Promotional Emails

These emails are sent to promote products, services, events or special offers.

Seasonal Marketing Emails

Usually, these emails inform the customers about special deals for holidays or events.

Transactional Emails

These emails provide information about order summaries, account updates, delivery tracking information etc. These are automated emails and are triggered when the user performs a specific action, such as the email triggered after a customer buys an item from the store.

Confirmation Emails

These emails are sent when a specific action is completed successfully. For example, an email providing information about the event that you have successfully registered for is a confirmation email.

We can send all of these above types of emails using Mailchimp.

What is Mailchimp?

Mailchimp is a web-based application that is used to send email to lots of people at once. With MailChimp, you can design the email layout, manage the customers’ mailing list and track how well your emails are doing. There are various settings such as an email is sent when a specific activity happens.

Best Practices For Successful Email Marketing

Some of the best practices for email marketing are given below. If you are using Mailchimp for email marketing, you can remember these practices as MailChimp best practices for email marketing.

Build Email List Yourself

You should use opt-in forms on your website i.e. subscribe to our newsletter or events to collect email addresses from visitors. The email list built in this way consists of only those people who are genuinely interested in your content, product or service.

Divide The Audience Into Different Groups

Every subscriber is different based on demographics and interests. You should make groups of subscribers who have similar demographics and interests. After that, you can craft your email tailored to each specific group. This will result in high conversion.

The Subject Line Should Grab The Attention Of The Audience

The Subject line is the first thing your subscriber will see before opening the email. You should keep your subject line short and limit punctuation use. Your subject line should communicate the benefits of products, services or promotions or it should call attention to specific deals. You should make sure that your emails provide value and fulfill the expectations set by the subject line.

Send An Email With Permission

It is recommended that during or after the signup, you should ask for permission from the audience to send marketing emails. You should tell the audience how often they will be getting what type of emails from you.

Email Should Look Good On Mobile Devices

Since the majority of your users will open the email from their smartphones, that is why you should make sure that the emails and their layout are optimized for small screens. The email should contain a clear call-to-action, that is easily clickable on the touch screen.

Create A Schedule

You should maintain a schedule for sending emails that work for your audience and stick to it such as weekly newsletters, monthly updates or bi-weekly promotions. Avoid sending too many emails to the audience because this can cause your subscriber to unsubscribe.

Test emails

You should send different versions of email to your audience and analyze the results to identify which version delivers the best result. You should experiment with different subject lines, content formats, send times and call-to-action.

Monitor Email Performance

You should view reports to gain insights into the performance of your email campaigns and what you can do to improve future campaigns. By monitoring and analyzing performance metrics, you can make data-driven decisions to help generate more profit in your business.

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