UX Design Principles For Creating A Conversion-focused Website

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What things you should keep in mind when building a website with a good UX-design.

In simple terms, user experience means how visitors interact with your website content. What kind of experience they have when they use your site or App. Is it good, bad, pleasurable or frustrating?

Keep the following points in mind when creating a UX-based website.


Consistency is key when it comes to UX design. Most of you use an Android smartphone. Have you ever noticed how all of the Google Apps feel familiar and if you have used one or two of them, it feels the same when using some other Google Apps. A consistent design helps users navigate your site easily and sub-consciously guide them.

User Needs

Understand user needs. Understand how users will actually engage with your site. Do you really understand why a certain user is visiting your website? What is his goal when visiting your website? Is your website good enough to accomplish that user’s goal.


Things on your site should he hierarchical so that it helps the users understand the site structure. How is the site content organized on the site? There should be a clear structure like homepage, about page, product pages, services pages, categories etc. Then every page should have a clear visual hierarchy. This means you should help users understand what is the primary call to action (CTA) for a specific page. Which items are the most important? They should be prominent. Which items have the secondary importance?

Usability Trumps Beauty

You may have seen beautiful designed websites or interfaces but very difficult to navigate or understand. When it comes to usability vs beauty, usability wins every time. Always focus on user needs first, beauty and aesthetics come later.

Design For Multiple Screen Sizes

You users are using different gadgets to visit your website. They may be visiting your site on a large TV screen. They may be using a smartphone in landscape mode to visit your website. They may be using a smart watch to view your website. Keep different screen sizes in mind when designing your website layout. Responsive Web Design is not a luxury nowadays, it is a necessity.

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